The First 7 Algol Bulletins

The first seven Algol Bulletins are very different from the later ones. These first ones were very informally produced and were aimed at resolving specific issues which arose in defining Algol 60. They were only really produced to assist the group that designed the language.
Hence, readers are strongly advised to read Peter Naur's description of the early work on Algol 60 before reading these issues. His article is: The European side of the last phase of the development of Algol 60. This was published in the History of Programming Languages, ACM, 1981, pp92-139.
The index below is from pages 19-21 of Issue 7. Selecting an entry gives a single page (bit-map) containing the start of that entry.

Classified Index of Suggestions and Discussion Concerning the Algol Language

The main classification corresponds closely to the Zurich report. Hardware questions are omitted. Some items appear in several places.

2. Basic Symbols

Numerical constants
Identifiers for variables, arrays and functions

3. iv) Functions

Enter library functions through headings: (Regencentralen) 7.39.

3. v) Arithmetic Expressions

Non-synonymous expressions (Bauer) 7.45.

3. vi) Boolean Expressions

4. Statements

Dummy statement
Need for (Bring, Ehrling) 2.4. Rutishauser suggestion 3.4.2. Paris suggestion 4.5.2. Agreement 5.1. Paris recommends Rutishauser suggestion 7.28.1.

4. i) Assignment Statements

4. iii) If Statement

Redefinition (Samelson) 7.25.

4. iv) For Statement

4. v) Alternative Statements

Redefinition (Samelson) 7.25.

4. vii) Stop Statements

4. viii) Return Statements

Similarity with `STOP' (Samelson) 7.27.

4. ix) Procedure Statements

5. Declarations

Status of declarations
Equivalence declaration

5. i) Type Declarations

Dummy (van Wijngaarden, Dijkstra) 7.34.1.

5. ii) Array Declarations

5. iv) Function Declarations

5. vi) Procedure Declarations

Fundamental properties
Array declarations
Functions and procedures entered through heading
Built-in library functions


INPUT, OUTPUT, FORMAT (Paris sub-com.) 4.6.

Auxiliary Information


Extensions of Fundamental Operations

The Need for a new type of Program Section

(Siemens) 7.30.

This index

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Page 2 of index.

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