The Algol Bulletin: Further details and other documents

Brian Wichmann

Further details

The work started from a single copy of AB33-52 (excluding 41 and 44) provided by Charles Lindsey. These copies were de-stapled to scan the pages properly. The work took about one minute per page plus one minute per article.
The list of contributors who were traced and gave their permission is held separately for reasons of UK Data Protection Legislation.
The index to contributors is based upon the contents list alone. Hence some of those that wrote to the Editor are not included as well as the many members of WG2.1 whose contributions do not give an explicit authorship. The index does not cover issues 1-7.
The main file was produced using LATEX  and TTH. The small files used to display each article were produced by hand with the exception of those for large reports which were generated by a small Ada program. The file names have been chosen to conform to ISO 9660 to ensure the material can be placed on a CD in a manner that can be viewed using any browser.
The A4 pages are displayed using the width=100% facility, while those in A5 are scanned as a pair of pages and displayed with width=150%, which implies using the sliders to display the material. If any page is difficult to view, then the GIF can be viewed with an appropriate tool. Note that there is more resolution in the GIFs than are displayed via the HTML.
Although the ABs are very well indexed on the front sheet (page 0), there are some inconsistencies which I have removed; for instance there is a colon after each contributors name, and section 1 is Announcements (rather than News items) and the title Circulation List is used (rather than mailing list as in AB8).
Formally, the IFIP statement about copyright applies to issues 16-52, but I have assumed it applies to all issues. Also, the style of the issues 8-15 is different (no page 0, for instance), but the index has been produced in a similar manner.
Note that issues 1-7 have been handled quite differently. This is mainly due to the different nature of the material. Also, Peter Naur pointed out that his article about the early development of Algol 60 should really be read in order to understand these early issues. (Some pages, not referenced in the special index to issues 1-7, are not accessible via the HTML.)
In deference to the European Data Protection principles, the circulation list information is not directly accessible from the HTML. The information has been scanned and recorded as GIFs in the appropriate directories.

Other documents

In the course of collecting this material, some other Algol-related documents were noted and some are listed here:
  1. Preliminary Report from ACM. December 58. Available for the Science Museum Library, London, Ref: L21 File 8/29/01, Part1. 15 pages, copyright ACM.

  2. Peter Naur's draft of 10th October 1960. Available for the Science Museum Library, London, Ref: L21 File 8/29/01, Part1. 18 pages, copyright IFIP?.

  3. Draft of the Algol 60 Report of 8th February 1960. Available for the Science Museum Library, London, Ref: L21 File 8/29/01, Part1. 26 pages, copyright IFIP.

  4. Draft of the Revised report of 27th November 1962. Available for the Science Museum Library, London, Ref: L25 File 8/29/01, Part3. 43 pages, copyright IFIP.

  5. Revised report on the algorithmic language ALGOL 60. by J. W. Backus, F. L. Bauer, J. Green, C. Katz, J. McCarthy, P. Naur, A. J. Perlis, H. Rutishauser, K. Samelson, B. Vauquois, J. H. Wegstein, A. van Wijngaarden, M. Woodger, Edited by P. Naur. Scanned images with index.

  6. Paper on dynamic own arrays by P Z Ingerman, et al. Available for the Science Museum Library, London, Ref: L28 File MA C1216, Part4. 3 pages.

  7. The Whetstone KDF9 ALGOL Translator , Randell, B. , Atomic Power Division, English Electric Co., Whetstone, Leics., 1962. Scanned images as a PDF file. (26 pages, 1.3Mb).

  8. Discussions on ALGOL Translation, at Mathematisch Centrum, Randell, B. and Russell, L.J., Atomic Power Division, English Electric Co., Whetstone, Leics., 1962. Scanned images as a PDF file. (35 pages, 2.3Mb).

  9. F.E.J. Kruseman Aretz. The Dijkstra-Zonneveld Algol 60 compiler for the Electrologica X1. 338 pages in PDF. (2Mbytes.)

  10. B.A. Wichmann. Basic Statement Times for ALGOL 60. Nov 1973. 60 pages in PDF. (277Kb.)

  11. Modified Algol 60. (This was the last IFIP-approved revision to Algol 60.) 54 pages in PDF. (274Kbytes.)

Brian Wichmann.

File translated from TEX by TTH, version 3.38.
On 11 Feb 2004, 17:27.